For the Glowinsky family, giving back is in their blood
The Glowinsky family feels a deep connection to Sinai Health. Growing up in Toronto, Lillian and Norman Glowinsky considered Mount Sinai Hospital their community hospital, a trusted place their family turned to when special care was needed.
"Two of our children were born on the old neonatal floor, and going full circle, our seven grandchildren were also born at Mount Sinai,” says Lillian. “My late parents, Helen and Stan Vine, were supporters of the hospital, and we are happy to be able to continue building on our family's connection with Sinai Health.”
For Lillian’s daughter Lesley, who serves as a director of the Lillian and Norman Glowinsky Family Foundation, a commitment to Sinai Health was very personal. Throughout a difficult pregnancy with her twin boys, Jordan and Benjamin, Lesley formed a strong connection with her obstetrician/gynaecologist Dr. Jacqueline Thomas.
“Dr. Thomas is an extraordinary doctor,” says Lesley. “Thankfully, everything turned out fine. But the way she was there for me through it all, that’s when I realized how special she is — and how special this hospital is.”
Grateful to an organization that has been there for three generations of their family, the Glowinskys made a $5 million gift, through the Lillian and Norman Glowinsky Family Foundation, to support the Renew Sinai capital development project. Lesley took the lead in initiating the gift, underscoring her commitment to become more involved in her community and with Sinai Health. Beyond her own philanthropic activities, she has also embraced the opportunity to engage her network of colleagues and peers to support Sinai Health.
The multi-year Renew Sinai project is the largest and most ambitious redevelopment in Mount Sinai’s history. The project is revitalizing the hospital’s clinical spaces, employing research-based design to improve patient flow and outcomes.
Renew Sinai is transforming many of Sinai Health’s most important facilities — from new labour and delivery suites and a redesigned neonatal intensive care unit, to the latest phase of the project, which will see the creation of a new intensive care unit, emergency medicine centre, surgical suites, inpatient units and ambulatory care unit.
For the Glowinsky family, this gift is an opportunity to give back to their community and invest in the future by ensuring Sinai Health has the exceptional facilities to match its world-leading care.
“As parents and grandparents, we are excited to know that our gift is an ongoing legacy that will offer comfort and benefit to future generations,” says Lillian. “We hope that our gift will help enable the hospital to maintain its place in the forefront of medical research, treatment and patient care, while continuing to move forward in meeting the needs of future generations.”
For Lesley, this gift is also an indication of how important it is for the next generation to continue supporting Sinai Health. It’s why she is excited to become more involved with Sinai Health Foundation and hopes to encourage her peers to do the same.
“My parents instilled in me and my siblings the importance of giving back,” says Lesley. “It’s in our blood.”

The current phase of Renew Sinai includes the creation of 19 state-of-the-art surgical suites equipped with the latest technological tools. A new robotics-assisted suite will allow for improved surgical care, especially for patients with higher co-morbidities, while decreasing their length of stay in the hospital.
Additionally, new 3D imaging technology will give surgeons a more precise view as they are operating, with real-time imaging feedback. All of these improvements will ensure Mount Sinai Hospital has the most advanced capabilities to deliver better patient outcomes.
“Without the support of our donors, we would not be able to create these state-of-the-art facilities that will allow us to provide improved care,” says Lisa Wayment, Senior Clinical Program Director of Surgical Services at Sinai Health. “From a staff and patient perspective, it makes an enormous difference.”